Ormskirk at Seventy
Ormskirk at Seventy
On the 18th January 2020 we celebrated out 70th anniversary with a afternoon workshop and evening dance in Ormskirk Civic Hall. The callers and bands were Ian Jones and Victoria Yeomans with Kendal Green and Deo Volente. About 45 dancers attended the afternoon workshop and about 85 in the evening It was a very successful event.
The afternoon workshop included the following dances:
- Ruby Crowned Kinglet (Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett)
- Gambols (Jenna Simpson)
- Glenton Park (Jan Dale)
- We Meet Again (Jenna Simpson)
- Double Helix (Colin Hume)
- A Gray Day ()
In the evening dances were done that started with the initial letters of the phrase "ORMSKIRK AT SEVENTY". These were done in a mixed order with each letter being posted up in turn so that the audience could try to guess the anagram.
The dances were:
- O-ld Hob
- R-ickashay Hey
- M-aiden Lane
- S-t Catherine
- K-ing's Penny
- I-ntroduction
- R-afe's Waltz
- K- and E
- A-lice
- T-wo Cousins
- S-omerset Square
- E-xcel-a-bration
- V-olpony
- E-rrol on the Green
- N-ick's Maggot
- T-amarisk (not actually done)
- Y-oung Phyllis of Wakefield